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ZHANG Xiaomeng




张晓萌博士现为EMBA项目副院长,组织行为学副教授,领导力与行为心理研究中心主任,隽永-女性领导力项目学术主任。加入长江商学院前,晓萌教授曾在位于美国华盛顿特区的第一所商学院~美利坚大学(American University)科歌德商学院(Kogod School of Business)担任管理学副教授,并拥有终身教授教职。她的研究专注于领导力与心理学的交叉领域,包括个人心理韧性与组织复原力、领导力认知、组织激励、团队协作、人才梯队建设以及心理学在这些领域的应用。晓萌教授在多个世界顶级学术刊物上发表过文章,包括《管理学会学报》 (Academy of Management Journal)、 《应用心理学杂志》 (Journal of Applied Psychology)、《组织科学》(Organizational Science)、《人事心理学》(Personnel Psychology)、《组织行为与人力决策过程》(Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes)、《管理杂志》(Journal of Management)、《管理研究杂志》(Journal of Management Studies) 以及《人力资源管理评论》(Human Resource Management Review》等。此外,晓萌教授还曾讲授领导力、管理学原理、组织行为学、组织与人力资源管理、商业政策、以及中国的国际商业惯例实践等课程。她拥有中山大学经济学与工商管理学士学位(荣获优秀毕业生)、美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland)史密斯商学院(R.H. Smith School of Business)组织行为学及人力资源管理博士学位。晓萌教授凭借她出色的学术成果斩获美国佩恩杰出研究成就奖(Paine Award),并入选2019年、2020年、2021年和2022年“中国高被引学者榜单”。2022年,晓萌教授出版《韧性》和《韧性手册》,并于2022年底上榜“中信出版社2022年度好书”,同时荣获“2022年中信年度致敬作者”奖。在“她势界.2023女性影响力大赏”中获得“年度科教人物”奖。





November, 2022. Keynote Speech: 面向Z世代的韧性领导力,变与不变。哈佛商业评论创刊百年论坛


  • 中国高被引学者榜单;2022
  • 《韧性》上榜“中信出版社2022年度好书”
  • 中信年度致敬作者,2022
  • 中国高被引学者榜单;2021
  • 中国高被引学者榜单;2020
  • 中国高被引学者榜单;2019
  • Emerald文章突出引用奖;2016
  • 国际管理学会优秀论文奖;2015
  • 连续数年获得教授杰出研究奖(Kogod商学院);2008-2014
  • 连续三年获得研究基金奖(Kogod商学院) ;2010-2012
  • 国际管理学会组织行为学最佳国际论文奖 ;2010
  • 国际管理学会组织行为学优秀审稿人奖;2010
  • 中国管理研究国际学会最佳论文奖(微观研究);2010
  • Kogod商学院教学大纲竞赛第二名;2008    
  • 史密斯商学院Krowe教学奖入围(排名第一);2007     
  • 史密斯商学院弗兰克·T·潘恩奖-杰出学术成就奖;2007
  • 美国国家科学基金会研究基金奖(NSF);2005-2007
  • 史密斯商学院前15%教学奖 ;2005-2007



  • 《韧性-不确定时代的精进法则》张晓萌、曹理达,中信出版社, 2022-8
  • 《韧性手册》中信出版社, 2022-12



  1. Zhang, X. M. (2022-August). Activating the Resilient Flywheel amist the Crisis. Harvard Business Review (China).
  2. Zhang, X. M. (2022-February). Organizational resilience: from consensus to empathy. Harvard Business Review (China).
  3. Huang, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X. M., & Long, L. (2021). Job Insecurity, commitment, and proactivity toward the organization and one’s career: Age as a condition. Human Resource Management Journal, 31:532-552.
  4. Zhang, X. M. (2020). H.E.R. leadership: Bridging the gender gap by degendering. Harvard Business Review (China),11:138-141.
  5. Sharon, N. S., Zhang, H., & Zhang, X. M. (2020). Emotional labor and employee creativity: A multi-level investigation of psychological attachment/detachment and team creative efficacy. Creativity Research Journal, 32-3: 287-298.
  6. Liu, X.-Y., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. M. (2020). Introverts maintain creativity: A resource depletion model of gossip. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37: 325-344.
  7. Zhang, X. M. (2019). Chinese executive leadership transformation: Leading change by change. Harvard Business Review (China), 4: 138-140.
  8. Zhang, X. M., & Kwan, H. K. (2019). Team behavioral integration links team interdependence with team performance: An empirical investigation in R&D teams. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13 (1): 7-26.
  9. Zhang, X. M., & Kwan, H. K. (2019). Empowering leadership and team creativity: The roles of team learning behavior, team creative efficacy, and team task complexity. In C. Mainemelis, O. Epitropaki, & R. Kark (Eds.), Creative leadership: Contexts and Prospects: 95-121. New York, NY: Routledge.
  10. Kwan, H., Zhang, X. M., Liu, J., & Lee, C. (2018) Workplace ostracism and employee creativity: An integrative approach incorporating pragmatic and engagement roles. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103 (12): 1358–1366.
  11. Zhang, X. M., & Kwan, H. (2018). Team learning goal orientation and innovation: Roles of transactive memory system and task interdependence. Journal of Business Management and Administration Affair, 1 (109): 2-10.
  12. Zhang, X. M., & Zhou, J. (2017). Configuring challenge and hindrance contexts for introversion and creativity: Joint effects of task complexity and guanxi management. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143: 54-68 (equal contribution).
  13. Zhang, X. M. & Bartol, K. M. (2015). Empowerment and employee creativity: A comprehensive review. In C. Shalley, M. Hitt, & J. Zhou (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. New York: Oxford University Press, 31-45.
  14. Zhang, X. M. & Kwan, H. K. (2015). Workplace ostracism and employee performance outcomes: The pragmatic and psychological effects. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  15. Zhang, X. M., & Zhou, J. (2014) Empowering leadership, uncertainty avoidance, trust, and employee creativity: Interaction effects and a mediating mechanism. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124: 150-164 (equal contribution).
  16. Zhang, H. Kwan, H. K., Zhang, X. M., & Wu, L-Z. (2014). High core self-evaluations maintain creativity: A motivational model of abusive supervision. Journal of Management, 40 (4): 1151-1174.
  17. Seo, M., Taylor, S., Hill, S., Zhang, X. M., Tesluk, P., & Lorinkova, N. (2012) The role of affect and leadership during organizational change. Personnel Psychology, 65: 121-165.
  18. Wu, L., Yim, F., Kwan, H. K., & Zhang, X. M. (2012) Coping with workplace ostracism: The roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychological distress. Journal of Management Studies, 49 (1): 178-199.
  19. Wang, S., Zhang, X. M., & Martocchio, J. (2011) Thinking outside of the box when the box is missing: role ambiguity and its linkage to creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 23 (3): 211-221.
  20. Zhang, X. M., & Bartol, K. M. (2010). The influence of creative process engagement on employee creative performance and overall job performance: A curvilinear assessment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95 (5):  862-873.
  21. Zhang X. M., & Chen, Y., & Kwan, M. (2010). Empowering leadership and creativity in R & D teams: The roles of team learning behavior, team creative efficacy, and team task complexity. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  22. Zhang, X. M., & Bartol, K. M. (2010). Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity:  The influence of psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement. Academy of Management Journal, 53(1): 107-128.
  23. Zhang, X. M., Bartol, K. M., Smith, K. G., Pferrer, M., & Khanin, D. (2008). CEO on the edge: Earnings manipulation and stock-based incentive misalignment. Academy of Management Journal, 51 (2): 241-258.
  24. Pferrer, M., Smith, K. G., Bartol, K. M., Khanin, D, & Zhang, X. M. (2008). Coming forward: The effects of social and regulatory forces on the voluntary restatement of earnings. Organization Science, 19: 386-403.
  25. Somaya, D., Williamson, I. O., & Zhang, X. M. (2007). Combining patent law expertise with R & D for patenting performance. Organization Science, 18 (6): 922-937.
  26. Bartol, K. M., & Zhang, X. M. (2007) Networks and leadership development: Building linkages for capacity acquisition and capital accrual. Human Resource Management Review, 17: 388-401.
  27. Zhang, X. M., & Sims, H. P, Jr. (2005). Leadership, collaborative capital, and innovation. In M. Beyerlein, S. Beyerlein, & F. Kennedy (Eds.), Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams. Elsevier/JAI annual series, Volume 11. JAI Press.